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How to bid at an auction by phone

Bidding at an auction by phone is becoming more popular. You may have noticed these bidders – mysteriously whispering into their phones and then bellowing out bids with unwavering confidence.
Posted on Friday, 20 April 2018 in Property

Property Investment Jargon Explained

Are you new to the world of property investing? Does the jargon leave you feeling confused? Well, fear not, investor-to-be! We’ve put together a comprehensive list explaining the most difficult terminology.
Posted on Tuesday, 17 April 2018 in Finance

6 ways to renovate to increase your home’s selling price

When renovating for profit, the golden rule is minimal expenditure, maximum return. The key is to focus on renovations that will maximise your property’s value, whilst not costing you the earth.
Posted on Friday, 13 April 2018 in Property

Office Buildings – Are they a good investment?

Residential property investment has long been popular among Australians, but far fewer venture into commercial property – like office buildings.
Posted on Wednesday, 11 April 2018 in Finance
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